Welcome Back Essentials Pack
Production & Information
As states re-open for business, VersaSpa is pleased to offer an added level of support to help prepare your staff, business and customers for the post COVID-19 period. As the daily wellbeing of family and community is at the top of everyone’s mind, it seems likely your customers will expect an added level of protection when they visit your salon. So, we are pleased to offer a complimentary “Welcome Back Essentials Pack”, containing a free sample of MYST-X FDA approved 8 oz. Hand Sanitizer along with helpful information, to bring customers back and give them a fantastic spray tan experience.

MYST-X Hand Sanitizer
Contains 80% Denatured Alcohol
- VersaSpa is approved by the FDA to manufacture and distribute 80% denatured alcohol hand sanitizer to address the health and safety needs of the community.
- MYST-X contains up to 25% more alcohol than leading brands, is quick drying, not sticky and unscented for ‘clean feel’.
- The ultra-fine mist provided fast & full coverage
- Hand sanitizer will be an essential product at the front desk and in all tanning rooms to help your customers and staff feel safe and healthy.
- Available sizes:
- Portable 8 oz. spray – sold in 6-pack
- Refillable 32 oz. wall dispenser
- Gallon Jugs – sold in 4-pack for easy 8 oz. refill
- Available accessories:
- Extended sprayer for the gallon jug
- Funnel to dispense into smaller containers
Call 888-974-9977 or visit Online Marketplace for current pricing and to order. Visit www.MYST-X.com for product information.
Special bulk pricing available.
We regret to inform that price may change without notice based on cost and availability of materials. Limited quantities available for purchase based on supply.

Tanner Supplies
Important supplies available for purchase, including sticky feet/disposable sandals, nose filters, and other protective items included in the FDA spray tan advisory.
We regret to inform that price may change without notice based on cost and availability of materials.
In some instances, purchase may be limited based on supply.

Live, Personal Support
Tech Service
Technicians are available to answer questions concerning re-starting your equipment
Phone: 855-450-3500
Email: tech@sunlessinc.com
- The VersaSpa training team is pleased to offer training for experienced and new employees and operators. *Given travel restrictions, training sessions will be conducted via Zoom/Skype video sessions.
- To request training, please contact:
Lauren Hall: lauren.hall@sunlessinc.com
Brianna Connick: brianna.connick@sunlessinc.com
Alicia Peake: alicia.peake@sunlessinc.com - Additional group training sessions will also be available and announced at least 1 week in advance by email and be conducted via webinar or Zoom/Skype session.
Equipment Maintenance

Maintenance Checklist
As the spray tan business restarts, it is advisable to give your equipment a ‘tune up’, and the best way to do that is to follow the daily and weekly maintenance guidelines. This routine attention will maximize up-time and performance and will give your tanners the very best spray tan experience.
Check out our checklist

Booth Care
When a booth has been out-of-service for more than 6-8 weeks it is recommended the following steps are taken to ensure optimal booth functionality when it is put back in service.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact VersaSpa technical support team at 855-450-3500 or tech@sunlessinc.com.

Mystic Tan Kyss Booth
- Run hot water purge
- Empty ¼ cup of hot water into the cartridge receiver.
- Then purge by hitting the tool button on the touchscreen
- Then go to Staff/Tools/Purge.
- Let the purge run until no water is coming from the nozzle.
- Lift the drain pump, clean the floats, thoroughly clean and dry the basin.
- Wash the booth top to bottom, inside and outside.
- Clean all filters and leave them out to dry.
- Turn off the water source to the unit.
- Turn off the power.

Mystic Tan HD Booth
- Run hot water purge.
- Empty ¼ cup of hot water into the cartridge receiver.
- Then purge by hitting the Purge button on the touchpad.
- Do as many purges as needed until no more water is coming out of the nozzle.
- Lift the drain pump, clean the float, thoroughly clean and dry the basin.
- Wash the booth top to bottom, inside and outside.
- Clean all filters and leave them out to dry.
- Turn off the water source to the unit.
- Turn off the power.

Disinfecting, Sanitizing & Optimum Performance for your Spray Booths
In the post COVID-19 environment, your customers will likely expect and take great comfort knowing the booth is disinfected and sanitized after every spray session. These are instructions regarding products Sunless, Inc. recommends to give your customers a safe and healthy spray experience.
To give maximum assurance, it is recommended the salon posts a sign in the spray room that indicates the salon’s policy for disinfecting and sanitizing booths, and staffers should advise customers of that policy every time they escort a client to the spray room.
LUCASOL™ or VIREX™ products to disinfect and sanitize their booths.
These two proven products are designed to sanitize hard, non-porous surfaces of the booth which the tanner may touch, such as the floor, the start button inside the booth, door handles and the panel trim on entry-way.
LUCASOL™ and VIREX™ can be purchased online or via a local supplier or distributor. We encourage all salon owners and staff to follow the directions found on the package or on the brands’ web site.

Solution Freshness & Expiration FAQs:
What’s the expiration date on Mystic Tan tanning solution?
- The expiration date, which is 7 months after date of production
- The date ensures the tanning results are the same with every tan
- Most solutions are shipped within 2 weeks of production date
How firm is the expiration date on solutions?
- Firm – formal scientific tests are conducted on every production batch to measure the expiration date
Do all solutions have the same expiration date, or are some solutions more likely to break down at the expiration date, and others less so?
- All tanning solutions have 7 months expiration depending on formulation, based on formal scientific tests are conducted on every production batch to measure the expiration date
What happens to the solution after the expiration date?
- The development of the tan should be consistent until the expiration date, and very often beyond that date
- On a slow and progressive basis, the intensity of the tan will become lighter – for instance, at 2 months after the expiration date, the tan will be less intense (i.e. Medium tan will be closer to Light tan)
- The same shift may be seen in the instant color bronzers, mainly in the violet based bronzers
What is the expiration date for various Mystic Tan products?
- Accelerator: 12-months indicated on front of bag
- Bronzers: 24-months indicated on front of bag
- Scents: 24-months indicated on front of bag
- Pure Medium Natural & Organic: 7-months indicated on bottom of cartridge
Retail Products with DHA and Bronzer Expiration:
- Expiration on Retail Product that include DHA and Bronzer is 12 months
Winning in Automated Spray Tanning:
Lessons from High Growth Salons
- In full year 2019, 625 existing salons grew spray tan sessions 25% or more, and another 409 existing salons grew spray tan sessions 50% or more.
- Those salons shared their lessons, which are detailed in an easy to read Best Practices guide.
- Now is the perfect time to review those lessons and pick a few to put in place at your business.
- Our training staff is ready and waiting to discuss ideas to growth your spray tan sales and profits